
Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete

Alapítva 1907-ben

MKE Facebook page



The Hungarian Chemical Society (Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete – MKE) is an organization of people who are interested in chemistry and the chemical industry. The Society is based on voluntary and individual activities. It was established in 1907 and has more than 2000 members. One of their main goals is to provide forum for a professional public life, thus promoting in an indirect way the development of Hungarian chemical science, chemistry education and the chemical industry (including the pharmaceutical industry).

Members of the Society can be natural and legal persons who accept the rules laid down in the Constitution of the Society (MKE) and yearly pay the established membership fee.

The individual members’ society tasks are carried out in sections on the basis of their professional fields. Within this framework in certain sections they work in subdivisions, or in line with geographical divisions, in so called regional county divisions.

The official journal of the society is the ’Journal of Hungarian Chemists’ (MKL).

We welcome all professional colleagues or anyone interested in applying for membership in the Hungarian Chemical Society.




EuChemS Magazine

Chemistry Europe

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